• Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1
  • Special Queen 1 + 3

Special Queen 1

Negli anni Novanta, c'è stata una corsa folle da parte di produttori e commercianti di semi per trovare "la" skunk. In quel periodo, numerosi coltivatori hanno tentato di duplicare quell'ibrido messicano
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Semi di cannabis Special Queen 1: Incrocio di Power Bud e Skunk

Negli anni Novanta, c'è stata una corsa folle da parte di produttori e commercianti di semi per trovare "la" skunk. In quel periodo, numerosi coltivatori hanno tentato di duplicare quell'ibrido messicano, colombiano e afgano, che ha portato a un'enorme varietà di skunk di nuova generazione. Le caratteristiche genetiche di queste piante di cannabis avrebbero poi gettato le basi per la maggior parte della marijuana in Europa.

Incrociando una Skunk con una Power Bud, Royal Queen Seeds ti offre un ibrido Skunk classico ad un prezzo vantaggioso. Quindi ideale per un coltivatore alle prime armi che non vuole investire troppo in una coltivazione sperimentale. La nostra Special Queen è una skunk classica che cresce facilmente, non si allarga troppo ed è pronta per la raccolta dopo 8-9 settimane.

Semi femminizzati di Special Queen 1: Una cascata di cime

Con una coltivazione arriva fino a 1,4 m, quindi ha bisogno di più spazio. In outdoor, la pianta supera i 2.7 m. Ha bisogno di molto sole, ma può adattarsi al clima tipico dell'Europa settentrionale, come l'Olanda o la Gran Bretagna. È dominante sativa, con i buds diffusi per tutta la pianta; produce una resa ottima per una sativa di 8-9 settimane.

Nelle coltivazioni indoor, dai semi di Special Queen 1 nascono piante capaci di produrre circa 500g/m² sotto una lampada da 600W. Pianta i semi di Special Queen outdoor e le piante diventeranno grandi e forti, producendo raccolti di oltre 550g/pianta. Bisogna avere molta cura di fornirle tutti i nutrimenti e l'acqua necessaria per una buona crescita, allo stesso tempo evitando di esagerare.

Semi di Special Queen 1: Piante poco esigenti che si adattano a diversi ambienti

I semi di cannabis di Special Queen 1 germinano rapidamente e danno vita a piante relativamente facili da coltivare e poco esigenti. Perfetta da coltivare in terra e in impianti idroponici, la Special Queen 1 risponde molto bene alle tecniche Sea o Screen of Green. Consigliamo di lasciar fiorire questa varietà di cannabis per 8-9 settimane, sebbene alcuni coltivatori effettuano la raccolta anche a 7 settimane.

Rilassati con la varietà Special Queen 1!

Special Queen 1 è fantastica da fumare ed offre i classici effetti delle Skunk. Principalmente mentale, Special Queen dà ai consumatori uno high esaltante che rilasserà anche i fumatori più ansiosi.

I semi di Special Queen 1 discendono dalla classica genetica Skunk ed offrono abbondanti raccolti ad un prezzo vantaggioso. Non troverai un'altra varietà con queste caratteristiche nel nostro catalogo, né in nessun altro catalogo!

Special Queen 1 data sheet
Tipo di varietà: Feminizzati
THC: 18%
CBD: Basso
Rese Indoor: 500 - 550 gr/m2
Rese all'Aperto: 500 - 550 gr/plant
Altezza Indoor: 80 - 140 cm
Altezza all'Aperto: 200 - 270 cm
Tempo di Fioritura: 8 - 9 Settimane
Mese di raccolta: dal 15 Settembre fino alla fine del mese
Patrimonio Genetico: Power Bud x Skunk
Tipo: Sativa 50% Indica 50%
Effetto: Fisicamente Rilassante, Persistente, Potente
Clima: Estati Brevi
Sapore: Fruttato, Skunk, Terra

    Di N. F. il 10/Dic/2024 :

    Titolo : my first grow
    Commenti : i got these seeds for free from buying other seeds i planted them to see if anything would happen and for sure they sprouted and grew really big not what i was expecting but it was a fun grow and got a very good yield from it. #RoyalQeenSeeds

    Di D. R. il 03/Dic/2024 :

    Titolo : my first grow
    Commenti : I received this seed as a freebie on my first order and germinated it together with the autoflowers I ordered. After the autoflowers were finished with their bloom and ready for harvest, I set the light schedule to 12/12 in order to force the bloom of my SQ1. Needless to say, almost 4 months of vegetative growth led to my single SQ1 turning into an absolute monster plant and l had to bend it down to limit its height. It was still part of my first grow, so nothing was perfect on my part really. Considering the circumstances, the yield has turned out great. l am very pleased with the effects of the produce.

    Di D. A. il 01/Dic/2024 :

    Titolo : newbie
    Commenti : ja nicer strain, hat bei mir echt ordentlich gestunken und mein Phänoyp hat irgendwie echt mies gerochen aber wirkung war ein schönes stoned. hatte dazu noch gratis apple fritters gepflanzt und das ich da keine rezension machen kann, die habe so geil nach apfel gerochen kann ich nur empfehlen. Special queen auch war sehr resistent und 0 schimmel aber dicke buds und für ersten grow easy

    Di B. M. il 28/Nov/2024 :

    Titolo : positiv überrascht
    Commenti : Habe diesen Samen als Freebie erhalten und auf dem Balkon in eine Lidltüte mit 50 % Blumenerde und 50 % alter gebrauchter Erde gesteckt. Hatte keine großen Erwartungen, wollte an der Pflanze eigentlich nur Trainingstechniken üben, da erster Anbau. Gedüngt wurde mit dem Restwasser der Autopflanzen und Tomatendünger. Die ganze Pflanze wurde ca 15 x getoppt und gefimmt. Habe ja fest damit gerechnet das bei der Behandlung die Pflanze eingeht. ABER, es wurde ein 2,8 m großer Busch mit komplett bedeckten Colas. Ging erst spät in die Blüte und wurde anfang Nov fertig. Da überdachter Balkon hatte ich keinerlei Schimmel. Auch Schädlinge waren nur vereinzelt zu finden und verschwanden von selbst wieder, ein dank an die Nützlinge in freier Natur. Nach dem aushärten hatte ich ein blumig, zitronig riechendes Weed, das richtig scheppert. Hab es etwas länger stehen lassen für mehr bernstein Trichome. Sehr entspannend und schmerzlindernd ohne übermäßigem Couchlock. Aber das soll nur 18 % THC haben, glaub ich nicht. Hab zum Vergleich noch Royal Gorilla mit bis zu 27 %, welches deutlich besser gepflegt wurde, und das finde ich sogar schwächer, aber langanhaltender. Super Strain, nächstes Jahr kommt das wieder aufm Balkon und diesmal nicht als Testobjekt. Habe viel von der Pflanze gelernt und wurde auch noch mit guter Ernte belohnt, Danke RQS

    Di J. S. il 28/Nov/2024 :

    Titolo : Great strain!
    Commenti : A lot of huge buds, growing really fast & looking/smelling delicious!

    Di N. A. il 25/Nov/2024 :

    Titolo : Perfect!
    Commenti : She is so perfect, I'm in love with her. She has red hair and spitfire energy like Elizabeth I. I wouldn't change a thing. This is one of those strains that has an undeniable presence when it begins to flower.

    Di V. W. il 12/Nov/2024 :

    Titolo : Bobby di Miami
    Commenti : Didn't expect much , but became my favourite plant this summer. Outdoor, spot high up: no shadow and exposed to wind, half soil, half coco, vegan bio fertilizer. It grew big indica-like leaves and developed a overseeable plant overall. Very big and vital, grwoths was intentionally restricted by pot size, because it would've gotten to big for my spot. Started flowering very late, as did the 2 Royal Highness planted alongside the Special Queen. Started part-harvesting in around mid October because I was afraid of mold (there never was any). So due to german climate this plant didn't produce close to full potential, it just got too cold in the end for it to do any growing, but I still got a lot out of it. ~150g of good quality weed. The smell is nothing to brag about, but it works well and smokes soft. Do recommend!

    Di A. P. il 09/Nov/2024 :

    Titolo : Andy
    Commenti : Super Samen, super Ernte, wird wieder bestellt 👌

    Di O. M. il 27/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : O.M.
    Commenti : Die beste Sorte, die ich bisher angebaut habe. Ich habe sie, wie viele hier, als Freisamen erhalten und ohne große Erwartungen angebaut. Ich habe sie den Sommer über draußen gezogen, ab Ende Mai in die Blüte geschickt (jede Nacht hereingetragen :-) und konnte Ende Juli nach 100 Tagen 50g trocken ernten. Sie wurde insgesamt gut 1m groß. Der Geschmack beim Vapen und besonders die Wirkung von Extrakten (Golden Dragon, Öl-Infusion) sind super. Eine perfekte Mischung aus guter Laune und Kribbeln. Zum Glück habe ich noch einige weitere Freisamen dieser Sorte ...

    Di S. J. il 26/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Susanne
    Commenti : Hatte zwei SQ als Gratissamen bekommen, eine ist gekeimt - von ihr beim toppen einen Steckling gemacht, der problemlos angewachsen ist. Da waren's wieder zwei :-) Aussaat war Ende Mai in ca 20 l Kübel (75% billige Blumenerde plus 25% Blähtonbruch) auf dem Südbalkon im Bremer Umland. Sie ist superschnell und kräftig gewachsen, keinerlei Probleme mit Schädlingen oder anderen Krankheiten. Gedüngt wurde organisch, mit Fledermausguano. Die Blüte startete erst Ende August, am 18.10. musste ich noternten, weil Blütenfäule um sich griff. Hätte sie gern noch etwas länger stehen lassen, denn die Blüten sind noch ziemlich klein gewesen, Anfang bis Mitte Oktober wars hier leider ziemliches Schietwetter, kalt und regnerisch (.... trotz der kleinen, foxtailigen Blüten hat es an vielen Stellen losgeschimmelt ...) Also für norddeutsches Klima Outdoor ist die Sorte leider nicht gut geeignet und einfach zu spät fertig ...

    Di K. B. il 24/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Amazing plant
    Commenti : This plant was my second time growing and first time indoors. I went threw many issues, even having these plants pushed to the edge of death. Even after all that stress these plants produced very high quality buds. I am amazed.

    Di P. A. il 24/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : did something wrong and got 500g
    Commenti : got the seed as a free one with 3 amnesia haze autos... didnt knew the diffrence between a auto and a photo... planted it in april outdoor and harvested it zwo weeks ago with a height of 2,5m and a dry weight of 450g trimmed

    Di M. S. il 23/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Fruity pebbles??
    Commenti : Wow I'm incredibly impressed with the smell! I don't usually review but this one is standing out to me. I didn't do anything special but this special queen ended up smelling like sweet fruity pebbles. Very appetizing

    Di B. V. il 21/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Vermeulen
    Commenti : Sterke plant. Enorm in de tuinkas 2 meter voorovergebogen 2 meter lang en vol toppen geïmproviseerde crog. Ben benieuwd naar de uitkomst. Het is bijna November en deze plant mag nog wel even. In maart gezaaid maar je kan handig later in Mei beginnen, word groot zat.

    Di J. D. il 19/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : What a find! Highly recommend!
    Commenti : I've never heard of this strain before. I love skunk strains and these seeds were ridiculously cheap, so I thought I'd give them a try. Grown in soil, in 5 gallon buckets, indoors, under a Mars Hydro FC-E6500. 3 plants yielded 24.7 Oz or 663.6g, dry weight. The smell is extremely pungent! The smell lingers in my house for hours after smoking it. It tastes fantastic! Sweet, fruity, candy. Very happy with the outcome! If you order these, you will not be disappointed. What a nice surprise this was. I'm ordering more on my next order. Enjoy!

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Da P dog | 2018-06-15 08:44:41

Can I use a scrog net on this strain

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use this method with any strain, please refer to the following article for more information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-growing-cannabis-with-the-scrog-screen-of-green-method-n53

Da Ayu | 2018-05-25 20:17:42

Could I grow this one without using fertilizers in soil which has perlite?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Fertilizers are not really a must, you can grow any seed without them, however, they are use to obtain a bigger yield among other things.

Da ole van helvoirt | 2018-02-06 20:41:15

is this strain appropriate to grow outside?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

All our strains can be grown indoors and outdoors.

Da Silvio | 2018-01-16 14:00:38

He have thc

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This strain contains approximately 18% of THC, you can check this information in the product Data Sheet.

Da Nico | 2017-11-19 18:25:00

When would be the perfect time in the year to let the seed germinate ? When it says, that the harvest-month is september and the flowering time is 7-8 weeks, does that mean, I should let the seeds germinate in July ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It would depend on your location. We normally recommend to start growing in the Early Spring, so the plant will have more time to grow before it goes into flowering time.

Da George Papadakis | 2017-10-11 18:08:09

Hello, Is there a way I can grow this outside and keep the the height at 1.0 - 1.5 meters for stealth reasons. How much of a lesser yield will I get approx and will it still be potent? Thanks

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You will find a very complete answer to your question in the below entrance of our blog. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-to-control-stretching-reigning-in-cannabis-growth-spurts-n487

Da marcus | 2017-10-01 17:23:53

Is this one autoflowering?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This is not an Autoflowering strain. It is Feminized.

Da Mato | 2017-09-27 21:37:43

Does this strain have any resistance to mold?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Not all cannabis strains have the same resistance to diseases and molds (botrytis, powdery mildew, etc.) This resistance depends on several factors (bud density, environmental conditions, etc.) and specially on the selection of the parents used to produce the seeds, since this resistance is often genetically transmitted to the offspring.

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